Wallpaper inspiration optimised for iPhone5 devices.
NOW over 6,000 unique customised high quality wallpapers,
All images shown are in the iPhone5 Retina HD format and are custom made for this app and are unique. Each wallpaper is tested for the iPhone5 for the best look. It will never contain any wallpaper scraped from the internet.
* Daily new quality wallpapers
* Preview the wallpaper in the app before you save to your photo gallery
* Saves to photo gallery
* Easy and minimalistic interface
After saving to your photo gallery, you can assign it as your wallpaper. To save the wallpaper, just tap the image and press the download/save button. During this screen, it will also show the relevant tags on which you can press, so do a search on other images with the same tag.
NEW: Filters
You can now use the following filter by using the sliders:
+ Saturation : adds or removes color
+ Bloom: gives a halo in the image
+ Vignette: shadows on the border